Well I know its been a while...
I was on vacation which ended up making me 4 lbs heavier...not bad...
Sence vacation I have literally been working non stop...yesterday was my first full day off in forever... Its a pretty good thing to be honest... with me working two full time jobs basically I never have time to eat a meal... yesterday wasn't great I ended up binging and purging on pizza all day but despite that I still managed to be back down to 119.8 this morning...
I am hoping that now that Im back to working 8:30-4:30 Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday and 8:30-1:30 on Thursday and then working 5 nights a week 6:00-3:00am that I will finally be able to get back down to 115...I basically lived off energy drinks last week..which isn't great but at least the sugar free ones aren't as bad... we will see how long I can keep it up...
I am determind ....this time.... its gonna happen
I'm happy to see an update. It sounds like you're staying real busy. Maybe that's a good thing. Stay strong and keep your eyes on the prize.