Thursday, January 3, 2013


my plans never seem to work out really upsets me when i plan things and then I have to cancle because something didnt go the way it should...

Im feeling a little low today not to mention I am hungover... like mad crazy hung over...i havent been so hung over in a long time... head ache got sick like three times this morning...thats what i get i guess...

so I didnt weigh time woke up late cause of the hangover and had to rush to i ate like a cow yesterday and feel disgusted about it... I feel a nap coming on after I get off which is in like an hr and a half...thank god.

dispite throwing up last night and alot this morning i feel fat today :( Im supposed to go out with some friends from my other job tonight but idk if that will end up working out either... the hubby usually works tonight which is why i planned it but now he isnt so idk i guess i always feel bad when i know he is at the hosue alone and Im out.

idk im tempted to weigh after work.. but i have drank alot of water sense being awake and i dread that the number will be up...

trying to stay focused...I cant afford to get off track... not this time

1 comment:

  1. It's nice to get quiet time at home alone sometimes so maybe your hubby will be ok if you go out anyways. Also, I know when hubby goes out and i'm home I miss him a little and I think that's good every now and then. Hope you feel better. Hang overs are the worst!!!!!
